# CMAKE config file for AVATARA if (NOT AVATARA_CONFIG_USER_LOADED) # DEFINES IF THE WHOLE AVATARA PACKAGE INCLUDING EXAMPLE BINARIES SHOULD # BE BUILT OR IF ONLY THE AVATARA LIBRARY IS CREATED. # By setting this option you can remove the glut dependency by deactivating the # build of the example applications #set (AVATARA_BUILD_EXAMPLE_APPLICATIONS OFF) # DEFINES IF THE OPENSG SUPPORT SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE AVATARA LIBRARY # OR NOT. # By setting this flag to OFF you can remove the OpenSG dependency #set (AVATARA_ENABLE_OPENSG_SUPPORT OFF) # DEFINES TARGET BUILD TYPE # The default target is Release. Uncomment the following line in order to # change the target build type. #set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) # DEFINES OPENSG ROOT DIRECTORY # By uncommenting the following line you can specify the path where the OpenSG # installation can be found. On linux systems this is the path which contains # bin/osg-config, on Windows systems this is the path containing include/lib # folders # If this entry is not set cmake tries to find the path by itself. #set (OPENSG_ROOT_DIR /usr/local) set (AVATARA_CONFIG_USER_LOADED ON) endif (NOT AVATARA_CONFIG_USER_LOADED)