/** @example faqexample.cpp * * This is an example of doing stuff */ /** @page gmtlexample Examples of including stuff * * This is an example of including some stuff * * @include faqexample.cpp * */ /** @page gmtldontinclude Examples of dontincluding stuff * * This is an example where we don't include stuff. * * @dontinclude faqexample.cpp * * Our headers look like this: * * @until main() * * The main function starts like this: * * @until { * * Now we have an example of doing something cool. * * @until gmtl::invert * * Now we have another example. * * @until test_vector * * And now we finish off the function. * * @until donenow */ /** @page gmtlexamplecode Example of trying to use code instead * * This is some code. * @code #include #include int main() { @endcode * * This is some more code * @code // Example of creating a matrix and doing stuff gmtl::Matrix44f test_matrix; gmtl::invert(test_matrix); @endcode And then we have some more later that we don't show */ /** @page gmtlexampletest Test of doing an example with processing code * * @exincludeexample faqexample.cpp */