if (NOT FIND_GMTL_LOADED) message (STATUS "Check for GMTL include directory: ${GMTL_INCLUDE_DIR}") find_path (GMTL_INCLUDE_DIR gmtl/gmtl.h PATHS ${GMTL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${INVRS_SOURCE_DIR}/external PATH_SUFFIXES gmtl-0.5.4) find_file (GMTL_CHECK_DIR gmtl/gmtl.h PATHS ${GMTL_INCLUDE_DIR}) if (NOT GMTL_INCLUDE_DIR) message (FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find GMTL include directory!\n" "OPTION A: If you installed GMTL (v0.5.4) please pass the path to the GMTL\n" " directory to the cmake command, e.g.:\n" " cmake -DGMTL_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/gmtl\n" "OPTION B: You can download the sources from: \n" " http://sourceforge.net/projects/ggt - the recommended version is 0.5.4\n" " Unpack the sources into following folder for automatic detection:\n" " ${INVRS_SOURCE_DIR}/external\n") elseif (NOT GMTL_CHECK_DIR) message (FATAL_ERROR "Invalid GMTL include directory passed!\n" "The GMTL include directory must contain the subfolder gmtl, e.g.:\n" "\t//gmtl/gmtl.h") else (NOT GMTL_INCLUDE_DIR) message (STATUS "Check for GMTL include directory: ${GMTL_INCLUDE_DIR} - done") endif (NOT GMTL_INCLUDE_DIR) set (FIND_GMTL_LOADED ON) endif (NOT FIND_GMTL_LOADED)