# CMAKE config file for GoingImmersive application # DON'T COMMENT THIS OUT, IT IS NEEDED TO AVOID MULTIPLE INCLUDING OF THIS FILE if (NOT GOINGIMMERSIVE_CONFIG_USER_LOADED) # DEFINES INVRS DIRECTORY # By uncommenting the following line you can specify the path where your INVRS # installation is located. # If this entry is not set cmake tries to find the path by itself. #set (inVRs_ROOT_DIR /opt/inVRs_v1.0a5/) # ACTIVATES THE VRPN SUPPORT # By uncommenting the following line you can add support for the VRPN library to the tutorial. # NOTE: This also requires inVRs to be built with VRPN support activated! #set (ENABLE_VRPN_SUPPORT ON) # ACTIVATES THE TRACKD SUPPORT # By uncommenting the following line you can add support for the TrackD library to the tutorial. # NOTE: This also requires inVRs to be built with TrackD support activated! #set (ENABLE_TRACKD_SUPPORT ON) set (GOINGIMMERSIVE_CONFIG_USER_LOADED ON) endif (NOT GOINGIMMERSIVE_CONFIG_USER_LOADED)